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How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work

Origins Of Laser Tattoo Removal

We get it—you have an unwanted tattoo. Maybe it was something you always kind of regretted. Or maybe you had some professional tattoos done by an incredible tattoo artist and decided they no longer fit with you. This is where laser tattoo removal comes in handy.

Please do not feel embarrassed about any body art you have. We offer tattoo removal treatments for large tattoos and small tattoos, multicolored tattoos, and nearly all tattoo inks. Ridgeline Aesthetics can help you to get rid of unwanted tattoos. Let’s explore the science behind tattoo removal.

The Science Behind Tattoo Removal

We will explain our specialty in laser tattoo removal first and then give an overview of some other tattoo removal treatments. First, you need to know that tattoo ink goes beyond the surface layer of skin by design. So, to have a tattoo removed is a challenge. Some tattoos respond differently to treatments as well.

Dermotoligist demonstrating how does laser tattoo removal works.

Laser Treatment

Laser tattoo removal effectively eliminates unwanted ink using light energy. During the laser tattoo removal procedure, a laser targets the tattooed area. The tattoo pigment or ink particles absorb the laser energy causing the ink to heat up.

This energy will shatter the tattoo ink into tiny fragments. The body’s immune system then flushes away these ink particles, gradually lightening the tattoo’s appearance.

The science behind laser tattoo removal relies on directing laser light at the tattoo, with the laser wavelengths adjusted according to the ink color. Black or darker inks are the easiest to remove, as they absorb all wavelengths of light. When the tattoo ink absorbs the laser light, it shatters, and the shattered particles are eliminated through the lymphatic system.

As stated earlier, at Ridgeline Aesthetics, we specialize in performing tattoo removal. We use the best laser technology available, the Harmony XL PRO laser system.

Surgical Removal

Another option is surgical excision. With surgical excision, the dermatologist uses a scalpel to remove the tattoo completely. The surrounding skin is then stitched back together. This treatment does achieve complete removal, but you will find it is not suited for most tattoos.

This is because significant scarring can occur, especially when used on large tattoos. In addition to the scarring, there will be skin discoloration in the affected area.

Tattoo Removal Creams

Tattoo removal creams are topical products designed to fade tattoo ink over time. The benefits of tattoo removal creams are how convenient they are to apply. You simply purchase a lotion and apply it while at home. It doesn’t get more simple than that with medical procedures.

However, remember tattooed skin is designed to be permanent, and you may find a cream is ineffective at complete tattoo removal. In addition, a cream strong enough to break up tattoo ink may cause severe skin irritation.

There are a couple of other tattoo removal methods such as dermabrasion and chemical peels, but we will not discuss those here. Overall we believe laser tattoo removal works and is the superior approach to an unwanted tattoo.

The Laser Tattoo Removal Process

The process begins with an initial consultation, where practitioners set realistic expectations for the patient. Appropriate expectations are key to understanding how your dermatologist is trying to help you. Many patients hope for complete removal in a single treatment, but the outcome often depends on various factors. Which is to say, several factors determine if multiple treatments are required.

Laser Treatment Factors:

  • What type of laser removal? (picosecond laser is most common)

  • What type of tattoo? (black tattoo pigment or multi-color)

  • What size tattoo?

  • How fair skin is the patient?


Laser tattoo removal procedure.

Laser Therapy For Tattoo removal Is Safe

The treatment itself is generally safer than methods like excision or dermabrasion, as the laser selectively targets tattoo ink. Before the procedure, a local anesthetic is usually administered, and a clear hydrogel dressing is applied to the tattoo site. The gel will cool and soothe the skin from the heat of the laser light.

There are a few risks to be aware of with the laser tattoo removal procedure. Some may experience blisters after treatment, which can be significant. Significant scarring is not a concern, but there could be a small raised scar or slight discoloration. Unlikely to occur, but still possible, is an allergic reaction to a certain tattoo pigment. A red tattoo is the most common allergen.

Post Laser Treatment Care

Post-treatment care is crucial for achieving the best cosmetic results. Patients should replace the hydrogel dressing with a nonstick dressing over an occlusive ointment with antibiotics. After the first few days, antibiotics are no longer necessary.

Certain physical activities are limited until the skin heals. You will want to avoid sun exposure and any activity that causes a reaction in your skin. Above all, make sure the skin is moisturized so it can heal properly.

Choose The Right Laser Tattoo Removal Specialist

When you first got your tattoo you probably did not go to the local strip mall to get it. Our guess is you wanted a recommendation for a tattoo artist who does professional tattoos. The process of choosing the right practitioner is no different.

When selecting a practitioner, choose a reputable dermatologist or cosmetic surgery center and inquire about their experience with similar skin types. Checking credentials and reviews will help ensure you find a qualified professional.

Laser tattoo removal works when you get the right practitioner involved. If not, there is no certainty that the laser tattoo removal work will be effective.

Ridgeline Aesthetics Specializes In Laser Tattoo Removal

It’s time for you to get rid of the unwanted tattoo. You’ve thought about it and dwelt on it over and over. Laser tattoo removal is the safest treatment while being the most effective.

As technology advances, laser tattoo removal continues to improve, ensuring its prominent role in the field of laser surgery. Individuals can safely and effectively remove unwanted tattoos with the right practitioner and proper care.

People have different pain tolerances, but the laser treatment process is described as uncomfortable.

Laser tattoo removal effectively eliminates unwanted tattoos using light energy.

Laser tattoo removal will get rid of most tattoos guaranteed, but complete removal varies.

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